
5 Tips to Improve Your Resume

13 May, 2022




I was helping a friend improve his resume today and realized I have many things to share about this. I am not an expert, nor a recruiter but surely I have collected enough information to share my two cents.

Here are those:

⚝ Do not have more than one column in your resume.
→ Most Application Tracking Systems are developed keeping one column in mind.

⚝ Type your social handles(LinkedIn, Portfolio) explicitly and don't forget to hyperlink them.
→ You don't know if the resume will be read by a tech savvy VP of engineering or a sales person.

⚝ Have a visual hierarchy in your resume.
→ Use two font types, sizes and styles. Don't overdo it.
→ Your name must have H1, various sections(Work, Education, Projects) have H2 and title(Job positions, College name) must be in H3.
→ Everything else must be normal, you can play around with normal/italic but again, don't overdo it. → Keep your resume black and white only.

⚝ If your academics are not that great but have work experience or projects in hand, add those above your education.
→ Make sure to explain your work in bullet points
→ The live demo link & GitHub Repo link is a plus point here(only hyperlink is ok)
→ Use X-Y-Z Matrics

⚝ Don't mention anything that might be irrelevant to your position.
→ At most, add everything in a single sentence in the Skills and interest section.
→ Yes Kaushal, I know you read books! Everybody has to, thanks for sharing :)

I wanted to write a simple thread but as it got bigger, I thought of creating a separate blog instead. Hope you found this helpful. There are plenty of things that came to my mind but I couldn't note down everything. If you need with improving your resume or LinkedIn profile, I would love to help you out. Just hit a DM, mine is always open!

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Kaushal Joshi
Learning👨‍💻 Documenting📝 Sharing🔗

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