

A Developer's Guide to Ethereum

This is an in-depth guide to how Ethereum actually works. The architecture, innovation, and system. If you want to get started with Ethereum, Blockchains, and Smart contracts, then this is for you.

Series Content

Hello Developers,

I'm Rong, co-founder and CEO @ Showwcase (the platform you're on right now). I was drawn into blockchains and smart contracts, trying to understand how it all makes sense in 2016 when a friend of mine studying computer science was telling me about new peer-to-peer systems and alternatives to the existing architecture we have for the web.

Truth is, it took me a long time to understand how it all works, why it is different, and where things are going from here. Across the web, it was also very hard for me to find useful resources and write ups about what it is. Most of the time i'd come across magazines, news channels, and blogs that only touched on the surface of what this beast really is. So I decided to finally write a complete Series on Ethereum.

A lot of the ideas here are the work of Vitalik Buterin, cofounder of Ethereum, and the incredible developers building, researching, and pushing blockchain technology forward. Some ideas i've taken from other writers I found helpful for my personal understanding and some from the actual Ethereum white paper itself.

The goal of this Series is to explain how the Ethereum blockchain works at a technical level. I won't go into intimidating formulas or complex math but will try my best to give you a good understanding of how it all comes together. Even if you're not a developer, you'll be able to grasp of the technology behind all the hype!

Note: you don't have to understand everything in here. There's really no need to understand everything!

CEO @ShowwcaseHQ | Maximising career opportunities for developers globally.



Date Published

29 Jun, 2022



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